Christ's Creek Mission Fund-Raiser Application
Print this page, scan your application and send it to:
Or mail your application to:
Evangelists Larry and Ana Walters
Full Name: _____________________________________________
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Physical Address: ______________________________________________
(Street Address) (PO BOX)
(Additional Address Information)
(City) (State) (Zip Code)
Contact Phone: _______________________________________________
(Mobile) (Home)
E-Mail: _______________________________________________
Are you a member of any social media network such as Twitter, Facebook, etc…?
If yes then list: _______________________________________________
Tell us about your salvation and present walk with Messiah Yeshua below.
(Attach a separate page if necessary)
Personal References: Names, Contact Phone Numbers and Email Addresses if Available.
Spiritual References: Names, Contact Phone Numbers and Email Addresses if Available.
If you are considered for a fundraising volunteer please remember that we re representing our Messiah Yeshua to the lost and dying world. All monies collected should be sent either by certified check, ministry (church) check, or US Postal Money Order. All drafts should be made to: Christ's Creek Mission and sent to our Missions Support Address.
Also, please tell us why you would like to be considered for Our Fund-Raiser Position below.
______________________________ ______________________________
(Printed Full Name and date) (Signature)
_______________________________ ______________________________
(Witness Name, Date, Signature) (Witness Name, Date, Signature)
[Witnesses should be from your church congregation or home fellowship. By signing as your witness they are testifying to your spiritual maturity and would themselves consider you as a viable candidate to be considered for the above position.]