Here are our prayer needs/Schedule thus far…
1. Cover us with the Blood of Messiah Yehsua, Jesus the Christ daily. Special prayer to cover our minds!
2. We will be extensively in Andhra Pradesh. Pray for this state specifically. This state will launch a national revival and be the sending state into the north.
3. We will be meeting with local pastors, conducting a minister's conference.
4. We will have a 30 day outreach and conference in Guntur. While here we will also minister to many orphanages.
5. We will have a 3-5 days conference in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh.
6. We will minister in the West Godavari District for 3-5 days.
7. We will minister in Vizianagaram, andhra Pradesh 3-5 days.
8. When we go to Kavali, this is to minister where there is no congregation. Land and the resources on the land have been made available to us to open a congregation.
At Kavali, our stay will be for 10-15 days. ?Mid Nov-Dec 1st?
9. Next is Chennai, Bengaluru, ? Coimbatoire, and Vadodara, Gujarat (formerly Baroda)
With all ministry schedules the further out...more flexible. When God moves, you move...when He camp. (Sounds like the Tabernacle in the Wilderness?)
As we are able we will update you concerning our prayer and personal needs.
Thank you for "going with us" via your prayers and support!
In Simple Obedience...we will go.
Larry and Ana Walters


??? Navi Mumbai? On the way to Vadodara???